What Can We Do?

     We conservatives wring our hands in dismay as we view the decline in our nation and all its problems caused by the mistaken policies of liberals.  We wonder what we can do.  Some see protests in the streets as the way.  But while protests may stir us up and may attract a few who wonder, “What’s going on?”, it seems to me that we must do something else.  Most of us can’t go to DC or our state capitals and protest.  Also, protests last only so long, and everyone eventually goes back home.  We need something daily that we can all do.
     What we must do is persuade others about how bad liberal policies are and what they are doing to our nation.  We must persuade others in order to increase our numbers and thereby increase our power at the ballot box.
     Persuading others to change their minds is a difficult task.  We human beings seem to have a built-in resistance to change.  That can be a good thing so we’re not easily persuaded by some smooth talker.  It can be a bad thing when we stubbornly refuse to think and consider new information.
     Some minds are changed in a “eureka” moment, a sudden life-changing revelation that affects them immediately.  However, I believe most are changed over a period of time by an accumulation of small effects.  It may be true that even those who are seemingly suddenly changed in a dramatic moment were prepared for that change by an accumulation of small effects they didn’t realize was effecting them until that moment.
     What I would encourage for my Facebook group (Conservatives Taking Back America), other social media situations, and for discussions with neighbors and friends is this: continue to present over a period of time small bits of information that will make them think again and again.  They may not think but an instant, but it’s been put before them.  They are constantly being brainwashed by the propaganda arm of the Abortion Party (the liberal media).  We must be steady in presenting the other side.  The steady dripping of water wears away stone.
    On Facebook, for example, that means sharing things we see that point out the fallacies of liberalism and failures of Murdercrat politicians.  That would include sharing news stories, memes, quotes, cartoons, and other items.  We must be extremely careful, however, to avoid posting things that will destroy our credibility and give liberals an excuse to turn us off completely.   Consider your sources carefully.  Some blogs can’t be trusted.  They write sensational stories just to get “hits” and earn ad money.  We must post things from respected sources, not something one person is saying that probably isn’t true since others haven’t also said it.  If it’s too good to be true, then it probably isn’t true.  If it’s just the smoking gun we’ve been wanting to put some Murdercrat behind bars, it may be smoke and mirrors by someone seeking attention.  Conspiracies theories loosely sown together with rotten thread and patched with spit and tissue paper aren’t going to convince anybody.  They just make liberals mock us for being gullible.  Wait until the thing is rock-solid proven.  COVID stories, vaccine stories, and railing against Fauci won’t work to persuade liberals.  They’re afraid and they’re not going to give up their fears of COVID by people saying there are problems with vaccines or that Fauci contradicts himself.
    As I write this article, what will work are stories and reminders about high gas prices, soaring inflation, increasing crime.  Some examples are: Murdercrat politicians contradicting their own words, bumbles and stumbles by Hiden Biden, ludicrous statements by blond joke replacement AOC, threats against our Constitution and the Supreme Court like a Murdercrat congressman just made, and many other things. 
     Learn the issues.  Find the things that concern conservatives that also concern liberals (inflation) and keep drip, drip, dripping those things.  Keep sharing to your timeline the things you think are best from our group and from other sources.