
In the Gettysburg Address, President Abraham Lincoln said that the living must resolve that the dead had not died in vain, that “this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”  The Declaration of Independence says, “Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed….”  The preamble to the Constitution begins with “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union….”  As a republic, the citizens of the United States vote for those who will represent them in various offices.

We are a nation of the people, by the people, for the people.  The various officials in the three branches of our government (executive, legislative, judicial) govern with our consent.  It is “we the people”, MINE, not the nine on the supreme court, nor the one in the oval office, nor the four hundred thirty-five in the House of Representatives, nor the hundred in the Senate.

By reading their ideas into the Constitution rather than going by what it says, the nine on the supreme court have taken away the rule of the people.  At the time the Roe vs. Wade decision was handed down in 1973, all fifty states had laws against abortion – thirty banned it altogether and the other twenty allowed it only under certain circumstances.1  In 2016, when the supreme court forced its Fred/Scott homosexual marriage decision upon the United States, it again read into the Constitution whatever it wished and rendered a philosophical explanation rather than a legal one.  In doing so, it totally ignored the definition of marriage throughout all the centuries in every nation and, destroyed it, and gave no new definition, leaving the door open for polygamy, a man marrying his goat, and anything else someone wants to call marriage.

This site is a call to “arms”, a call to rally the people of the United States who have been silent too long about the murder of the unborn (abortion).  It is a call to wake up those who have supported abortion in one way or another without examining the issue closely.  It is a call to work against the murderous Democratic Party (the Murder Party, Murdercrats), the ruling of the supreme court, and anyone else who supports abortion in any way.  It is a call to action to do whatever we can legitimately do (see Disclaimer) to persuade individuals and our elected officials until, one by one, we have persuaded enough of the nation that we have wickedly killed millions upon millions of innocent human beings and that it must stop before God’s wrath falls upon us.

I urge you to dedicate your life to the task.

In the coming months and beyond, I will be contacting thousands of people and organizations to join in the campaign.  The immediate focus will be the 2018 elections where 33 Senate seats will be filled, with 23 of those now being held by Democrats and 2 by independents.  And, of course, all the seats in the House will be voted on as well.  The Murdercrat bumper sticker immediately draws attention to the fact that abortion is murder and it is the Democratic Party (and other minor parties) that support and sustain it.  As we spread it, people will be reminded daily of what many ignore completely – that 2500 human beings are being murdered a day in the United States by abortion.

Join the campaign.  Follow this site.  Spread the word.  Let us work diligently together because time is of the essence.  Each minute two more babies are murdered.



1 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abortion_in_the_United_States