
I feel compelled to say this immediately at the beginning of this campaign to end the legalized murder of the unborn: I am in no way advocating violence against an abortionist, or an abortion clinic, or anyone in the abortion crowd, or against anything associated with it.  One does not commit murder to end a murder.

Some very few individuals would feel that what I just said in my last sentence is wrong.  They would point to an example of an ordinary citizen in a restaurant who, when someone bursts in and starts killing customers at their tables, pulls out his registered handgun from its holster and kills the murderer, preventing further deaths.  A very few have reasoned from that type of incident that it is all right to shoot and kill the abortionist who is murdering the unborn.  Such an ungodly act would stop that abortionist from killing more.  But there is a major difference.  The bloody court of 1973 made abortion legal.  So the one who kills the abortionist is the one whom the law recognizes as the murderer, not the abortionist.

Second, while the murdered abortionist would not be committing any more murders of the unborn, another would just step into his place and the slaughter would continue.  The abortionist-killer has stopped nothing and lost his position in the fight that will end legalized abortion.  His vote is also taken away and that is what will eventually end the holocaust against the unborn.

What such a rare and wrong individual does is become judge, jury, and executioner, which is not his right or place.  It is God who ordained capital punishment.  “Whoever sheds man’s blood, by man his blood shall be shed,
for in the image of God He made man” (Gen.9:6) and He put capital punishment in the hands of the government, not individuals. “It (government) is a minister of God to you for good.  But if you do what is evil, be afraid; for it does not bear the sword for nothing; for it is a minister of God, an avenger who brings wrath on the one who practices evil” (Rom.13:4).

Furthermore, one does not do evil (become a murderer) that good may come (Rom.3:8).  The end does not justify the means.  One does not commit murder to end murder.

I am angry and sorrowful almost daily about the murder of the unborn in this nation.  I hope that millions will come to share those emotions continually.  But Paul said, “Be angry and yet do not sin” (Eph.5:26).  Channel your anger into legitimate ways to bring about an end to abortion in this land.  Study the issue and prepare yourself for the battle; talk to people; pass out literature; work extra to contribute money to the cause.

Burn with anger in a controlled way that aids the cause instead of doing something rash that would bring reproach upon it.