
   You may have come to this site bearing a load of guilt.  Perhaps you had an abortion and thus murdered your own child.  Perhaps you’ve been a worker in the abortion industry and have helped murder numerous unborn human beings.  Perhaps you’ve been an advocate of abortion in the past, arguing for it, convincing others that it is just a woman’s right to take charge of her reproductive rights and choose to have an abortion.  Perhaps you’ve come to this site and have just realized that you’ve been an accessory to murder.  If you’ve come to grips with the horrible reality of abortion and have decided you’ve been wrong, you may now be haunted by guilt.

   Guilt is a horrible thing to bear.  However, it can lead a person away from what is abominable in the sight of God and wrong in the sight of people who have not lost their moral compass.  Guilt can lead a person to repentance, which is change.  The apostle Paul said that godly sorrow works repentance (II Cor.7:10). 

   When Jesus entered Jericho in Luke 19, a tax collector named Zaccheus was anxious to see him.  He climbed into a sycamore tree for a better view since he was short in stature.  Jesus spotted him and told him to come down, that He was staying at Zaccheus’s house that day. 

   Jewish tax collectors were a hated profession because they worked for the Gentile Romans who ruled over Israel and because they routinely cheated their fellow Jews as they collected Roman taxes from them.  But Zaccheus repented.  He said, “Behold, Lord, half of my possessions I will give to the poor, and if I have defrauded anyone of anything, I will give back four times as much.” (v.8).  If you’ve been guilty of murdering the unborn in any of the ways I’ve listed and have changed, as part of your repentance “give back” by fighting hard to bring about an amendment to ban it.

   Merely repenting, however, does not result in forgiveness by God.  If you would like to know what God says one must do to become a Christian and be forgiven of all your sins, use the contact form on this site to discuss it with me.  There are many false ways taught that will make people think they are forgiven when they are not.  I’ll point you to the Bible and let you read what God says. 

   Also, if you’ve repented and are still unable to get over your guilt, contact me and I’ll provide you with the biblical way, God’s way, of overcoming guilt once you’ve been forgiven.  God wants to forgive and He wants the forgiven to lead productive lives of joy, not mired down by guilt. 

   May God bless you because you have changed.