Sorting Out The Issues To A Single One

   In a discussion with a religious person who votes for the Abortion Party, the woman objected when I made abortion the single issue that decides that voting for Murdercrats is wrong.  She said I was being duplicitous (deceitful, two-faced).  After all, she claimed that Donald Trump was a liar, a racist, a misogynist, and more.  Thus, I must be, according to her way of thinking, whitewashing or endorsing Donald Trump’s record.  On the other side of the coin, some would list character flaws of Hillary Clinton in 2016,  I recall a previous election where a religious man said he wouldn’t vote for a candidate because he was an adulterer.  Other candidates have been accused of philandering, lying, and using illegal drugs.  Voters who believe the Bible will realize there won’t be a perfect candidate since we all sin (Rom.3:23).
   What my religious friend didn’t realize is that there is a significant difference between voting for a person who is immoral or sinful, and voting for a policy that is immoral.  A person who is committing adultery before being elected may or may not commit adultery after being elected.  My vote does nothing to sustain that.  But to vote for a party or person who will either enact or help an immoral policy to continue means I have lent my support to that policy.  I have aided and abetted it.  I have become an accessory.  When people vote for the Murdercrats, their votes sustain the holocaust against the unborn, keep abortion legal, and they thus participate in the murder of the unborn.  Again, if all those who say they are against abortion would vote only for the one party whose plank is against it, those votes alone would be enough in a few elections to result in an amendment to ban abortion.  

Consider the difference another way.  Let’s suppose we have the choice between voting for a man who will lie egregiously ten times a day or voting for a candidate who will continue the murder of the unborn.  Where is the greater evil – ten lies per day or 2500 unborn babies being murdered – poisoned, starved, crushed, ripped apart while alive? And if you say the former, I don’t think you get the picture.  I think your eyes and heart are glazed over to the horrendous truth.  Would you, could you, watch someone take a newborn kitten and cut off one leg, then another, and keep cutting away until it is completely butchered into fairly small pieces?  Would you think that was just fine?  If not, how can you ever think it is all right for a fetus of 16 weeks (a tiny baby about 4″ long) to have its leg cut off while it is living and trying to move away? 
   Those who were against Donald Trump and voted for abortion murder instead of voting for him and pretending be moral.  They used Trump as an excuse to continue voting in a worldly and wicked manner, supporting the holocaust of the unborn in the United States which stands at 60,000,000 unborn babies murdered since 1973.